Monday, December 26, 2011

howto: Observer pattern

The observer pattern comes very handy when dealing with complex systems. It allows for class-to class communication with a very simple structure. Even more important is the ability to separate functionality in different modules, for example running a single 'broker' as a wrapper to some api and letting multiple strategies subscribe to relevant broker events. There are some ready-made modules available, but the best way to understand how this process works is to write the whole system from scratch. In many languages this is a very tedious task, but thanks to the power of Python it only takes a couple of lines to do this.

The following example code creates a Sender class (named Alice). Sender keeps track of interested listeners and notifies them accordingly. In more detail, this is achieved by a dictionary containing a function-event mapping, Sender.listeners.
A listener class can be of any type, here I make a bunch of ExampleListener classes, named Bob,Dave & Charlie. All of them have a method, that is that is subscribed to Sender. The only special thing about the subscribed method is that it should contain three parameters: sender, event, message. Sender is the class reference of the Sender class, so a listener would know who sent the message. Event is an identifier, for which I usually use a string. Optionally, a message is the data that is passed to a function.
A nice detail is that if a listener method throws an exception, it is automatically unsubscribed from further events.

Created on 26 dec. 2011
Copyright: Jev Kuznetsov
License: BSD

sender-reciever pattern.


import tradingWithPython.lib.logger as logger
import types

class Sender(object):
    Sender -> dispatches messages to interested callables 
    def __init__(self):
        self.listeners = {}
        self.logger = logger.getLogger()
    def register(self,listener,events=None):
        register a listener function
        listener : external listener function
        events  : tuple or list of relevant events (default=None)
        if events is not None and type(events) not in (types.TupleType,types.ListType):
            events = (events,)
        self.listeners[listener] = events
    def dispatch(self,event=None, msg=None):
        """notify listeners """
        for listener,events in self.listeners.items():
            if events is None or event is None or event in events:
                except (Exception,):
                    errmsg = "Exception in message dispatch: Handler '{0}' unregistered for event '{1}'  ".format(listener.func_name,event)
    def unregister(self,listener):
        """ unregister listener function """
        del self.listeners[listener]             
#---------------test functions--------------

class ExampleListener(object):
    def __init__(self,name=None): = name
    def method(self,sender,event,msg=None):
        print "[{0}] got event {1} with message {2}".format(,event,msg)

if __name__=="__main__":
    print 'demonstrating event system'
    alice = Sender()
    bob = ExampleListener('bob')
    charlie = ExampleListener('charlie')
    dave = ExampleListener('dave')
    # add subscribers to messages from alice
    alice.register(bob.method,events='event1') # listen to 'event1'
    alice.register(charlie.method,events ='event2') # listen to 'event2'
    alice.register(dave.method) # listen to all events
    # dispatch some events
    alice.dispatch(msg='attention to all')
    print 'Done.'

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